Employment and Labour Practices


At SmarTone, we strive to provide an engaging, respectful and caring work environment to our employees. We embrace two way communication. We use different internal communication channels to create a line of sight to engage our employees at all levels. We provide training and development platforms to support employees’ career progression. We reward and recognize performance and behavior through pay, incentives and recognition award programs.

The Company cares about the well-being of our employees. We encourage work-life balance through a variety of work practices. We have implemented Flexi Working Hours since 2017 to support employees’ needs in reporting duty. We grant a half-day paid “Family Leave” once every quarter to allow employees time off to take care of their families. We have incorporated employee needs into the workplace design, such as setting up staff lounges/breastfeeding rooms in the main office. In response to the need for stress and emotional management in today’s fast-paced, information-overloaded and high-pressure society, we put in place an Employee Assistance Program to provide psychological, work and family consultations to employees and their family members to maintain their psychological health.

The Company also held a variety of staff activities throughout the year, which include health activities, festive gatherings, you-deserve-a-treat, interest classes, etc.

The Group is an equal opportunity employer. All employees enjoy equal employment and career opportunities and no employee shall be disadvantaged because of sex, pregnancy, disability, marital status, family status, race, age, religious, beliefs or sexual orientation.

We believe that all employees have the right to work in an environment free of discrimination, harassment, vilification, and victimization. The Group will not tolerate such behavior under any circumstances.

Health and safety

The Group is committed to providing employees with a healthy, safe and secure work environment that is free from all recognized hazards.

We incorporate workplace safety in the design and operations of our premises and the way we conduct business. First aiders and first aid box administrators are assigned for each office, shop and facility of the Group. Employees can access information on occupational safety and hygiene awareness through a dedicated section in the Group’s intranet. All accidents at work are properly reported and handled with due care.

Development and training

SmarTone is committed to offering learning and development opportunities for all staff members in meeting the Group and business needs.

On-boarding training and orientation are provided to help new recruits get familiar with SmarTone and equip them to handle their daily work. The Human Resources Department organizes numerous face-to-face and online training for employees in all ranks throughout the year, covering a wide range of topics including industry and business knowledge, legal and regulatory updates, communication skills, personal development, IT skills, etc. The Group also sponsors suitable employees to participate in external work-related training activities.

Please refer to the Environmental, Social & Governance section of the 2023/24 Annual Report